Saturday, April 28, 2018

Publishing my 9th novel this week!

In 1988, to survive an emotionally abusive, loveless marriage, I wrote LDS love stories, mysteries and spy novels. The characters were all LDS but had to use Gospel principles to make their lives better.  They had to be strong to survive.  That is what I eventually became...stronger thru the power of God.

They went into a box when my first husband said no one would ever buy them.  This year , my adoring husband Ted convinced me to have them published, but where were they?I finally had the courage this year to pray about them, walk right to them and start publishing them on Amazon.

I hope you enjoy my newest one, a sequel to Uncharted Destiny. It’s called Destiny Unfolds and will be on my Amazon site in just a few day.

Fun!  At my daughter’s college graduation I saw the girl who plays Lexie in the novel and the trailer on my page

Just like Lexie, Emily graduated from College!  Got a pic for the book!

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