Sunday, September 22, 2019

20 ways to Gather Israel - a FREE Family history Board Game plan for you to put together!

20 Ways to Gather Israel - Family History Game Board Plan just for you!

20 Ways to Gather Israel

A Board Game plan for Family History

Ted and Karen Meyer, Area Temple and Family History Consultants

If you use our game, please send pictures of the fun you are having for our blog.  Our email is: 

This is an uber-check list of things you can do all wrapped into a game.  We've already been playing it and it appeals to all ages!

Here are some pictures!

Each player has their own tally board.  Every time they land on a picture, or are sent to a picture from a card, they get to put a bean, m&m, or penny on their own playing board - somewhat like bingo.

The rules are pretty easy - the 0 lets you jump across and change direction and you can't count a picture unless you actually land on it so you might circle with spins to go around it and try to land on it again, but you can not go back unless it tells you to.  The first one that makes it to "heaven" with all of the pictures tagged with pennies, wins.

Here are more pictures!
In my PDF I included all the print and cut links so that if you have a Cricut machine, it will do most of the work for you.

If you choose to have an awesome evening and play this game, please send us pictures and tell us what your favorite part was.

For lagers, I use family history tree charms and put different colored ribbons on them.
If you are interested in the Board Game, 
Click here:

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